Broken? Maybe. But I'm Not Dead Yet

Unfortunately, it's been a while since I was able to write anything. I was going through a lot of things at once. Between my job, clubs, and my life in general, I needed to stop trying to share myself with the world. 

I ended up in a pretty bad place for a while there. A lot happened. The guy I thought was a good guy ended up ghosting me without warning and I still don't understand why, but it's not worth my time to dwell on it. It doesn't matter why he dropped me; it's his loss. I've moved on and have decided that I'm not ready for any type of relationship right now despite everyone at work and my friends trying to convince me to go on a date with one guy. At the same time, I've also gotten close with the guy that hurt me back in February again and we've done a lot of growing together. I have absolutely no idea what I want, so I'm just going to be me for a while. I don't need anyone like I need my friends and they've definitely shown who they are during this time. 

My job ended up getting better. I finally got put on a project so I got incredibly busy there. I ended up meeting some interesting people through that job which was nice. One of them is still getting picked on for how well we connected there. I've met very few people that I connect with that fast, so I work to keep them around when I can. 

Right now, I'm taking summer classes to catch up from my semester off. I've been busy, but overall, I've been better. I still get upset by everything that happened sometimes, but it doesn't matter. What matters is who I am today and that I'm improving to become who I want to be. I'll try to start writing here again, but I know I won't always have time to.