Dear Little Unicorn

Dear Little Unicorn,

Never be ashamed of who you are. Don't be afraid to try new things for fear of what others think. Don't be afraid to be the Froot Loop in a world of Cheerios. It makes life interesting. Don't hold yourself back from your dreams because you're worried what someone might think about you. You can do anything you put your mind to whether you think you can or not. Reach for the stars because you're worth it. Be who you want to be and don't care what others say because in the end, they don't matter.

If people want to be in your life, they will work to keep you there. Don't try to convince yourself that they'll eventually reciprocate that feeling if the relationship is one-sided. If they don't want to be your friend as much as you want to be theirs, they aren't worth keeping around. Don't try to force someone to want to be in your life if they don't show you that they're worth letting in. That being said, always show how you feel because you always want to make sure people know how they stand with you. Make sure that the people you keep around are genuine people worth keeping in your life. Don't try to change yourself to impress someone else; it will only hurt you in the end.

If you love someone, don't be afraid to tell them. It might not work out the way you planned, but at least you will know how the other person feels. Don't be discouraged if they don't like you back. It just means that they either weren't the right person or it wasn't the right time. Love is a special thing, so make sure that you really mean it when you tell someone that you love them. Don't let yourself feel like you have to have a crush or be in a relationship all the time. It's perfectly fine to not want to be in a relationship with someone. When you do fall for someone, make sure they're special. Don't let them try to talk you into anything you're not ready for. It's okay to not be ready and it's okay to want to wait. If they don't understand that, they're not worth your time. If they try to push you more than you're comfortable with and don't respect your boundaries, walk away; they're not worth your time. Feelings are a strange thing. You don't have to understand everything you feel all the time, but you should always try to make sure you know what you're feeling, especially when it may involve decisions you make with another person.

When you make a mistake, don't regret it. Learn from it and move on. If you haven't made mistakes, you haven't tried anything new. Life isn't about not making mistakes; it's about making the most of what you've done and being the best person you can be. Always strive to be a little bit better than you were yesterday. Some days, you may not be able to do that; some days, the light may be very small. Don't let go of that light inside of you. Things will get better. Sometimes, you just have to break down to get through something. Let the people you care about know what you're feeling so that they can try to help you get through it. If they're worth being in your life, they won't mind seeing you at your absolute worst. If they do, they don't deserve to see you at your absolute best.

You may struggle some days to see the bright side and that's okay. No one can have a sunny day all of the time. Sometimes, we have to learn to push through the dark days. Trust me, I've been there. I've broken down over things that I thought were small (or tried to make small) that were really rather large in the end, or at least had a larger effect on me than I originally thought. Sometimes, we have to break down and feel those feelings. We have to try to understand them so that they do not control us. Feelings are a strange thing. They don't always make sense and I don't think we're really meant to ever understand them. You can't go back and change your past, but you can change how you react to things in the future and how you let your past shape you. People may hurt you, but don't let that keep you from loving someone else.

You never know who relies on your smile. I've had people that only got through the day because I made them happy. Don't put up an armor just to make others happy, but do your best to see when they have a need as well. Maybe you can feel your pain together. Never ignore someone when you know they need a friend. If you care about them, do your best to be there for them. Tomorrow's obligations can wait, but your friend's well being may not be able to. Sometimes, it will do you both good to take a drive and look at the stars or get out for a little while. I've spent some late nights looking at the stars as a distraction from everything else going wrong in our lives. Be the friend you needed at your darkest moment. 

Don't be afraid to disregard the norm. It's okay to not fit in with the people your age. I've always gotten along better with people old enough to be my parents and grandparents. Most of my friends are older than me by as little as a couple of years to as much as over twice my age. If you look at stereotypes, I'm everything other than what you'd expect from a twenty-something year old girl. In some ways, I can be your grandparents, and in others, your child. It really just depends on what we're doing. I definitely had people that were my stand in parents in college and I've had people who are basically my children that are my age. If you want to do something different, don't be afraid to. I'm in engineering, so I'm definitely trying to set an example of that. I don't want people to think I'm just someone worth looking over because I will prove that I'm not. Maybe it will help you make something beautiful.

Don't blindly follow everything you're told. It's okay to question the world around you and the beliefs that you were told growing up. If you don't agree with something, you don't have to follow it. For example, I'm not the most religious person ever, but I hold a lot of the same values because they are what I believe helps a person do good things in the world. Try to help everyone you meet and leave the world in a better place that you found it, but don't feel like you have to follow every little thing that you get told that you have to do or believe. Be courageous enough to be your own person. 

Don't feel like you can't talk to people. Find those special people in your life and let them know your thoughts and fears. You may find that keeping a journal works best because it allows you to work through what you're thinking and feeling without having to hear someone else or let someone else in. Being vulnerable is one of the hardest things to do. It means letting yourself question those feelings that you have or letting yourself tell someone things that they need to hear. Don't wear armor all of the time. Let those special people in your life get to know who you are under that armor. If you need help, let them help you. Chances are, you aren't the first or the only person going through something. You just don't know what everyone else is going through if they don't tell you.

We are all a work in progress. I can't pretend to have all of the answers. I don't expect anyone else to have all of the answers either. We're all working on bettering ourselves, recovering from past trauma, and figuring out what we're supposed to be doing here. It's okay to be uncertain. It's okay to not know something. Don't feel like you have to know everything all the time. Today, you may realize that you did something that you regret. Don't let that become who you are. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect and there's no reason to try to be perfect all the time, but there is a reason to try to be the best person you can be. We are all perfectly imperfect. We should all make a place where we feel loved and appreciated, no matter our strengths or our flaws. Never tear someone down for anything. It's not fair to anyone. Always try to help them get through whatever hard times they're facing.

Always try to keep a level head. I know sometimes that's hard because you feel things, but at the same time, you might not make the best decisions when you're in the heat of the moment. It's always okay to take a step back and evaluate the situation before you do something you regret. This goes for good things as well as bad things. Before you make a decision that could change your life, make sure that it's what you really want.

Remember, you are always loved. You may not feel like it, but someone out there loves you despite everything you've done and everything you'll ever do. It's up to you to interpret that sentence, but you are always loved. Even if you mess up, even if you do something terrible, you are loved.

Written: 28 March 2018