Why We Need Each Other

During high school, I had a few friends that I wrote stories with all through Freshman and Sophomore year. We wrote our own stories and passed them around for feedback whenever we got a chance and to entertain each other when we needed a world to escape to. Considering that’s most of what I did those two years, I guess you could say writing was a passion.
However, after moving away from home, I’ve found that I don’t have nearly enough time to write anymore. I always find myself wanting to start new stories, but I either don't have time to write the story and forget the idea or I start it and don't have time to actually work on it. I’ve started several drafts this year of different stories, but I never have time to finish them between school, work, clubs, and life. I used to have one outlet: my stories and those girls were some of the only people that were let into my deep inner thoughts. 
We all struggled with things while we were in middle and high school whether we showed them or not. We were always each other's solace when things got hard or whenever we needed someone. When I changed schools after that year, we tried to stay connected, but it got harder when I had no time to write anymore. Writing was the only way to figure out what was inside of my head at any given point. During my Junior year of high school, I got to talk to one of the girls from that group occasionally. 
Once, we discovered that she has an idea of a plot and the time to write, but never finishes because she gets stuck with the story and fleshing out the details to make it happen. We’ve talked several times about ways to write so that it’s harder to get writer’s block, but they don’t always help. Sometimes, you just need to find a new method.
Around that same time period, I received a text that said, “I have an idea for a story, but I don’t know how to start it.” To this, I responded that maybe I could help. She sent me the idea and as I read it, I found that it worked well with one of the stories I had started earlier, but had never finished. I sent her the idea and she liked it.
I realize now why we need each other here. During that point in our lives, she had time to write and the framework of a story and I had the starting and ending points. Together, we keep the ideas flowing and the words happening to create something that expressed the inner thoughts of both of us.
This doesn’t only happen among writers, but whenever you find a pair or a group of people who compliment each other well. It’s amazing to have people that compliment you well because when things get tough and you can't see the light, they know exactly how to help guide you through your darkness. We all continue to struggle with things every day, but having someone to talk to that understands the little inner workings of your mind helps so much when it comes to trying to express thoughts and feelings that your brain doesn't understand. I don't know where I'd be right now if I didn't have people in my life that can tell when I'm having a bad day and know exactly how to make me feel better. If you haven't already, find these people in your life and don’t let them drift away. No matter how far apart you may be physically, you'll always have a friend next to you when you need them.