Hello World

That's probably the cheesiest name for a first post. If you know any programming languages, it's probably the first thing you ever printed out using a print statement and it was the default first title when I started my first blog many moons ago (I don't keep up with that one anymore, sorry). 
Sometimes I wonder why we use the phrase "Hello World" when we first create something. I think we do it for many different reasons. When we create something where a part of us lives and breathes (or exists in binary at least), it's like giving birth to a new part of ourselves where we can explore and grow in our own ways. In that way, we're telling the world "hello" through a new lens. Being able to see things through multiple lenses gives us a chance to learn as much as we possibly can about the things around us and ourselves. Sometimes it takes a breakdown of one lens to make a breakthrough using another. 
This is a new lens for me on top of a few others I already have. I exist through my friends, my skills, my art, and my journal (which I carry around like a security blanket most of the time) for the most part. I think it's time to add something new. I know you're probably wondering why I don't just stick to journaling (or continue my journal here instead) since it already means so much to me, but I probably won't use this as a consistent journal. My current plan (and as you'll learn, I'm not always great at sticking to my script) is to use it to share the thingsI've learned with others throughout my journey and to give an insight into the part of me that most people don't know. 
I find learning fascinating. We begin learning as soon as we enter this world (maybe even before) and we don't stop until the moment we die. Learning is not just when we go to class or do research. We learn things when we open a door, talk to a stranger, wake up late for an event, and even when we can’t figure out how to operate the shower at a friend’s house. Everything around us exists as an opportunity to learn something new whether it's a new idea or concept or something about ourselves that we didn't know before. I'm obsessed with learning new things, but at the same time, I also want to help others. I try to find a way to make everything a teaching moment whether it's a moment for myself or a moment for someone else. 

I've learned a lot during my time and I want to teach others some of the things that I've learned away, mostly about myself and others.